
第1条 目的
第2条 会員
第3条 会員サービスの種類・内容
第4条 会員サービスの対象者の範囲
第5条 会員証の発行
第6条 個人会員ID・パスワード
第7条 遵守事項
  • (1)登録事項に変更が生じた場合、速やかに自己が属する法人会員を通じて当社に届出を行うものとする。
  • (2)本会の提供するサービス(本会のサービスをその要素とするサービスを含む)を、直接的であると間接的であるとを問わず、第三者から収益を得る目的で使用してはならない。
  • (3)料金を支払う規定のある本会のサービスについては、所定の料金を支払わなければならない。
  • (4)本会のサービスの利用に際してはその施設等の利用規約に従うものとする。
第8条 会員資格の喪失
  • (1)個人会員が本規約に定める事項又はその他の規約、特約等に違反したとき
  • (2)個人会員が不適切なサービス利用その他の行為により本会の正常な運営を妨げ若しくは信用を傷つけ、又はそのおそれがあると当社が判断したとき
  • (3)個人会員が不適切な目的(第7条第1項第2号に定める目的を含むが、これに限られない)で本会のサービスを利用し、又は利用しようとしたとき、その他個人会員の会員資格の継続を認めることが妥当ではないと当社が判断したとき
  • (4)個人会員に反社会的勢力との関わりが生じたと当社が判断したとき
  • (5)前各号に準ずる事由が生じたとき
第9条 個人情報の取扱い
  • (1)法令に基づく場合
  • (2)人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  • (3)公衆の衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
  • (4)国の機関若しくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
  • (5)個人情報保護法及びその他関係諸規則に違反しない方法で提供する場合
  • (6)当社と業務提携を行っている宿泊施設等のサービス提供企業及び本会に係る事務等において当社と提携する企業(以下、サービス提供企業を含めて「提携事業者」と総称する)に対して、個人会員等が本会のサービスを利用するために必要な範囲内で提供する場合
  • (1)当社が法人会員及び個人会員等に本会のサービスを提供するため
  • (2)個人会員に対する当社のサービスの案内
  • (3)会員情報の管理
  • (4)その他本会のサービス提供に必要な業務
第10条 サービス内容の変更及び本規約の改定
第11条 免責
  • (1)不可抗力により、又はその他当社の故意若しくは過失によらずに(個人会員が予め了承しているものとして、第8条及び第12条の事由によりサービスを利用できない場合は、当社の責に帰すべき事由がある場合に該当しないものとする)、サービス提供が中断又は停止した場合、法人会員又は個人会員等が本会に送信したメッセージ若しくは情報が消失等した場合、及びその他サービスの利用に関して法人会員又は個人会員等が損害を被った場合
  • (2)個々のサービスの利用において個人会員等と提携事業者との間で紛争が発生した場合
第12条 サービスの中断・停止等
  • (1)本会のサービス用のハード、ソフト又は通信機器設備等に関わるメンテナンスや修理を定期的又は緊急に行う場合
  • (2)アクセス過多等の予期せぬ要因でシステムに負荷が集中した場合
  • (3)個人会員のセキュリティを確保する必要が生じた場合
  • (4)火災、停電、その他不慮の事故等によりサービスの提供が困難な場合
  • (5)前各号に準ずる事由が生じた場合
第13条 準拠法及び管轄裁判所
第14条 言語
第15条 存続条項
付 則
  • 「1.本会の目的に賛同し本規約を承認の上、当社との間で業務提携契約等の契約(以下「基本契約」という)を締結した企業・団体等を法人会員、また、法人会員が本会のサービスを利用する者として指定した法人会員の顧客を個人会員と称する。
  • 「1.個人会員は、法人会員が当社との間で締結する基本契約に応じて指定されるサービスの提供を受けることができる。本会の個々のサービスの内容、利用価格、利用方法等は、当社ホームページ等で指定される。
  • 「1.個人会員は、法人会員と当社との間の基本契約が期間満了又は解除等により終了した場合は、法人会員と当社との間で特約がある場合を除き、当該基本契約の終了日付けで、会員資格を喪失するものとする。」
  • 「6.法人会員と当社との間の基本契約の終了、又は法人会員による第2条第2項に基づく個人会員の会員資格の資格喪失の届出等により個人会員が会員資格を失った場合、その個人情報については、当社は、原則として、提供するサービスの内容に応じて法人会員との契約又は協議により消去又は廃棄する。ただし、法令等諸規則に基づき当社が継続して保有する必要がある情報についてはこの限りではない。」

Rules for Individual Members of Benefit Station

Article 1 Purpose
The purpose of Benefit Station ("Benefit Station") operated by Benefit One Inc. (the "Company") is to achieve the development of member companies and entities and a better life for their officers and employees or their members, as the case may be, by providing welfare program services (including health management service, educational and training service and others. The same shall apply hereinafter.).
Article 2 Members
1. A Corporate Member means a company, entity or the like, that agrees to the purposes of Benefit Station, approves the Rules for Corporate Members of Benefit Station and these rules (these "Rules"), has applied for membership, and is admitted to Benefit Station by the Company. An Individual Member means an officer, employee or member of a Corporate Member. The Individual Members may enjoy the services of Benefit Station only when the Individual Members approve the Rules.
2. Unless otherwise provided for in Article 8, acquisition and forfeiture of membership of an Individual Member shall occur when the relevant Corporate Member gives notification to the Company as needed.
Article 3 Types and Details of Member Services
Individual Members may receive the services designated in the contract concerning admission to Benefit Station executed between a Corporate Member and the Company. The details, as well as the prices and manner of use, etc. of the individual services of Benefit Station will be designated on the website of Benefit Station, etc.
Article 4 Scope of Members Who May Receive Benefit Station Services
1. Those who may enjoy the services of Benefit Station are, in principle, the Individual Members themselves, their spouses (“spouse(s)” shall include a partner (i) who has a different gender from the relevant Individual Member on the family register and has the relationship of the common-law marriage (not submitted a marriage registration); and (ii) who has the same gender as the relevant Individual Member on the family register and has the material relationship that is not different from the one between a man and woman; the same shall apply hereinafter.), and their first and second-degree relatives (collectively, "Spouse, etc."). Individual Members may allow their Spouse, etc. to use the services of Benefit Station, at their own responsibility, and shall ensure that their Spouse, etc. is in compliance with the provisions of these Rules.
2. When allowing a Spouse, etc. to use the services of Benefit Station pursuant to the preceding paragraph, such use of the services of Benefit Station by the Spouse, etc. shall be deemed to be use of the services of Benefit Station by the Individual Member himself/herself.
3. An Individual Member may not permit or allow any third party other than the Individual Member and his/her Spouse, etc. to use the services of Benefit Station.
4. With regard to some of the services of Benefit Station, the Company may request the Individual Member or his/her Spouse, etc. who intend to use the relevant services by the Individual Member himself/herself or his/her Spouse, etc. as the target user to submit certain documents related to the payment of the designated subsidy, etc. in order to confirm the relationship between the Individual Member and his/her Spouse, etc. If the relevant documents are not submitted and the relationship between the Individual Member and his/her Spouse, etc. cannot be confirmed, the Company may suspend the payment of subsidies, etc.
Article 5 Issuance of Membership Card
The Company shall issue a membership card (limited to electronic media; the same shall apply hereinafter) to the Individual Member in principle, and the Individual Member may enjoy the services of Benefit Station by showing the membership card delivered to her/him.
Article 6 ID and Password of Individual Member
1. Individual Members may not transfer or lend to any third party Individual Member ID and password (The electronic membership card issued by the Company shall be included; the same shall apply hereinafter.), and shall keep their Individual Member ID and password as strictly confidential to ensure that they are not disclosed or divulged, etc.; provided, however, that the same shall not apply when the Individual Member lends them to his/her Spouse, etc. for using the services of Benefit Station pursuant to Article 4.
2. In the event of an Individual Member ID and password being entered by a method designated by the Company, and the services of Benefit Station being used, the Company shall be able to regard such use as use of the services of Benefit Station by the Individual Member; provided, however, that the same shall not apply when such use has been conducted based on the divulgement, etc. of the Individual Member ID and password due to the willful intention or negligence on the part of the Company.
3. The Company shall not bear and shall be released from any liabilities for any disadvantage or damage an Individual Member may incur arising from or in connection with the use of the services of Benefit Station and any other action by a third party through the use of the Individual Member ID or password; provided, however, that this does not apply if such use and action is occurred by the leakage of the Individual Member ID and password or other reasons due to Company’s intention or negligence.
Article 7 Compliance
1. Individual Members shall comply with the following matters:
  • (1) Individual Members shall promptly notify the Company of any change in his/her registered matters through the Corporate Member to which the Individual Member belongs;
  • (2) Individual Members shall not use any services provided by Benefit Station (including services which contain any of the services of Benefit Station as its elements) for the purpose of receiving a profit, whether directly or indirectly, from a third party;
  • (3) With respect to the services of Benefit Station that require the payment of any fee, Individual Members shall pay that fee; and
  • (4) When using the services of Benefit Station, Individual Members shall comply with the rules for use specified by the relevant facility, etc.
2. If an Individual Member causes damage to facilities, etc. through his/her willful intention or negligence when using the services of Benefit Station, such Individual Member shall provide compensation for such damage.
Article 8 Forfeiture of Membership
1. When a Corporate Member forfeits its membership due to withdrawal from membership or any other reason, its Individual Members shall forfeit their membership as of the date on which the Corporate Member forfeits its membership.
2. In the case of any of the following Items applying to an Individual Member, the Company may make such Individual Member forfeit his/her membership without notification thereto. In such case, the Individual Member shall forfeit his/her membership as of the date on which the Company notifies the Individual Member of such forfeiture of his/her membership:
  • (1) The Individual Member breaches any matter set forth herein or any other rules or special clauses, or the like;
  • (2) The Company determines that the Individual Member has obstructed the normal operation of Benefit Station or impaired the reputation of Benefit Station, or is likely to do so, through his/her inappropriate use of the services or any other acts;
  • (3) The Individual Member has used or attempted to use the services of Benefit Station for inappropriate purposes (including, without limitation, the purpose set forth in Article 7, Paragraph 1, Item (2)), or the Company otherwise determines that it is not reasonable to accept the continuous membership of the Individual Member;
  • (4) The Company determines that the Individual Member has developed a relationship with any anti-social forces; or
  • (5) Any event equivalent to each of the foregoing items occurs.
3. When the membership of an Individual Member is forfeited pursuant to either of the preceding Paragraphs, such Individual Member may not enjoy any of the services of Benefit Station (including services applied for prior to the date of forfeiture of membership) on and after the date of forfeiture of membership, unless the relevant Corporate Member and the Company agree otherwise.
4. The Company shall not be liable for any damage that an Individual Member may suffer as a result of such Individual Member’s inability to use the services of Benefit Station due to forfeiture of the membership of such Individual Member.
Article 9 Handling of Personal Information
1. The Company shall properly manage the personal information (the "Personal Information") which is defined in Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003) (the "Personal Information Protection Act") and is submitted by the Corporate Members or the Individual Members when registering for membership; and obtained from the Individual Members or other users ("users" means the Spouse, etc. and accompanying persons of the Individual Members and Spouses, etc.; the same shall apply hereinafter. Such users and the Individual Members are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Individual Members, etc.") in accordance with our "Protection Policy" and other rules which are separately provided. The Individual Members shall cause other users to approve the contents of this Article and Article 11 when enjoying the services of Benefit Station.
2. The Company shall keep the Personal Information of the Individual Members, etc. as strictly confidential and shall not provide or disclose such information to any third party without their prior approval. The Company may, however, provide or disclose the Personal Information to a third party without their prior approval in each of the following cases:
  • (1) When it is required under laws and regulations;
  • (2) When it is necessary to protect one’s life, limb or property, and it is difficult to obtain their approval;
  • (3) When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain their approval;
  • (4) When it is necessary for national organizations or local governments, or any person entrusted thereby to cooperate in the performance of the business stipulated in laws and regulations, and the performance of such business is likely to be hindered by obtaining their approval;
  • (5) When the Personal Information is furnished in a manner which does not violate the Personal Information Protection Act and other relevant regulations; or
  • (6) When the Personal Information is furnished to a service provider in alliance with the Company, providing services including accommodation, and to companies in alliance with the Company, with respect to the business, etc. in relation to Benefit Station (collectively with the service provider, "Alliance Business Partners") within a range needed for the Individual Members, etc. to enjoy the services of Benefit Station.
3. The Company shall use the Personal Information only for the following purposes:
  • (1) Provision of services of Benefit Station by the Company to the Corporate Member and the Individual Member, etc.;
  • (2) Introduction of the services of the Company to the Individual Member;
  • (3) Management of members’ information; or
  • (4) Other business required for provision of the services of Benefit Station.
4. Regardless of Paragraph 2, there may be some cases where the Company entrusts a third party with the handling of the Personal Information to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use stipulated in the preceding Paragraph.
5. Regardless of Paragraph 2, there may be some cases where the Company shares the Personal Information pertaining to Individual Members, etc. with a Corporate Member that entrusts the Company with welfare services.
6. If an Individual Member forfeits his/her membership due to the withdrawal of a Corporate Member, termination of employment of the Individual Member, or any other reason, the Company shall, in principle, delete or destroy the Personal Information of such Individual Member in accordance with the contract with or upon mutual consultation with the Corporate Member, depending on the contents of the service provided; provided, however, that the same shall not apply for information which the Company needs to retain continuously under various rules, including the laws and regulations.
Article 10 Revision of Details of the Services and Rules
1. The Company may conduct a revision (including termination of the services) of the details of the services due to a change in the conditions for alliance or nullification of alliance with Alliance Business Partners, etc. without any notice to the Individual Members.
2. In the event of the revision to the details of the services pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company shall give notice of or make known such revision to the Individual Members via any of the internet, email or facsimile in advance, if possible (if not possible, promptly after the relevant revision).
3. The Company may conduct a revision (including change and revocation) of these Rules to ensure the sound operation of Benefit Station, or due to amendment of acts or similar reasons on its sole discretion.
4. In the event of the revision pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company shall give notice of or make known the fact of the revision of the rules, the content of such revision and the effective date to the Individual Members via the website of the Company in advance and such revision shall take effect from the relevant effective date.
Article 11 Disclaimer
1. The Company shall not bear any legal responsibility in the event of any of the following; provided, however, that, in the case of Item (2) below, the Company shall endeavor to settle disputes among Individual Members, etc. and Alliance Business Partners to the extent possible:
  • (1) Where, due to force majeure or a reason other than the willful intention or negligence on the part of the Company (it shall not fall under the case where there is a reason attributable to the Company if the service cannot be used due to the circumstances provided in Articles 8 and 12 which the Individual Member acknowledges in advance.): the provision of the services is suspended or ceased; a message or any information sent to Benefit Station by Corporate Member or Individual Members, etc. is lost, etc.; or other cases where Corporate Member or Individual Members, etc. incur damage in relation to their use of the services; or
  • (2) Where a dispute arises between Individual Members, etc. and an Alliance Business Partner with respect to use of the individual services.
2. If any damage or injury is suffered as a result of the use of the services or information rendered by an Alliance Business Partner, Individual Members, etc. shall not make any demand against the Company, unless such damage or injury is caused by the willful intention or negligence on the part of the Company.
3. In the event that the Company is legally liable to Individual Members, etc. in connection with the services of Benefit Station, the liability that the Company should assume shall be limited to direct and ordinary damages actually incurred by the Individual Members, etc. and shall not include damages or lost profits arising from special circumstances, whether or not they are foreseeable, except in the case of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
Article 12 Suspension or Cease of the Services, etc.
The Company may take necessary measures such as suspension or cease the whole or a part of the services without any prior notice to the Individual Members in the following events:
  • (1) when regular or urgent maintenance or repair is performed related to hardware, software or communication equipment for the service of Benefit Station;
  • (2) when load is concentrated on the system due to unexpected factors such as excessive access;
  • (3) when it becomes necessary to ensure the security of the Individual Members;
  • (4) when it is difficult to provide the services due to fires, power outages, or other unexpected accidents; or
  • (5) when an event similar to the preceding items occurs.
Article 13 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These Rules shall be governed by the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the first instance over any disputes between Individual Members and the Company.
Article 14 Languages
The Rules shall be made in Japanese and Japanese original version of the Rules will prevail despite any translations into other languages.
Article 15 Survival
Article 6 (ID and Password of Individual Member), Paragraph 3, Article 9 (Handling of Personal Information) Paragraph 6, Article 11 (Disclaimer) and Article 13 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction) will remain effective even after the termination of the service based on this Rule.
Special Provisions for When the Services of Benefit Station are Provided as "CRM Services"
In the event that a company, entity or the like provides the services of Benefit Station to customers, who are its clients, as support services for improving customer satisfaction (the "CRM Services" in these bylaws) by bearing the service usage fees, the following provisions shall apply:
1. The term "welfare program services (including health management service and educational and training service and others; the same shall apply hereinafter.) " in Article 1 of the Rules shall be deemed replaced with "CRM Services", and the term "their officers and employees or their members" shall be deemed replaced with "their customers";
2. Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Rules shall be deemed completely replaced as follows:
"1. A Corporate Member means a company, entity or the like, that agrees to the purposes of Benefit Station, approves these rules (these "Rules"), and has entered into a contract (the "Basic Contract") such as a business alliance contract with the Company. An Individual Member means a customer of a Corporate Member that has been designated by the Corporate Member as a user of the services of Benefit Station. The Individual Members may enjoy the services of Benefit Station only when the Individual Members approve the Rules.";
3. Article 3 of the Rules shall be deemed completely replaced as follows:
"1. Individual Members may receive the services designated in the Basic Contract executed between a Corporate Member and the Company. The details, as well as the prices and manner of use, etc. of the individual services of Benefit Station will be designated on the website of Benefit Station, etc.;
2. The name of Benefit Station may be changed upon agreement between the Corporate Member and the Company.";
4. The term "the Corporate Member to which the Individual Member belongs" in Article7, Paragraph 1, Item (1) of the Rules shall be deemed replaced with "the Corporate Member which provides the services of Benefit Station to the Individual Member";
5. Article8, Paragraph 1 of the Rules shall be deemed completely replaced as follows:
"1. When the Basic Contract between a Corporate Member and the Company terminates due to expiration of its term or cancellation, etc., the Individual Members shall forfeit their membership as of the termination date of the Basic Contract, unless there are special provisions between the Corporate Member and the Company.";
6. The term "a Corporate Member that entrusts the Company with welfare services" in Article 9, Paragraph 5 of the Rules shall be deemed replaced with "a Corporate Member which is the provider of the CRM Services"; and
7. Article 9, Paragraph 6 of the Rules shall be deemed completely replaced as follows:
"6. If an Individual Member forfeits his/her membership due to the termination of the Basic Contract between the Corporate Member and the Company, the notification of forfeiture of qualification of the Individual Member’s membership given by the Corporate Member pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 2, or any other reason, the Company shall, in principle, delete or destroy the Personal Information of such Individual Member in accordance with the contract with or upon mutual consultation with the Corporate Member, depending on the contents of the service provided; provided, however, that the same shall not apply for information which the Company needs to retain continuously under various rules, including the laws and regulations."
(Revised on November 1, 2023)